Governing Documents

Our Constitution

This is the constitution of Cambusbarron Community Development Trust (CCDT) as approved at the AGM of the Trust held on the 22nd of August 2023 at Cambusbarron Community Centre attended by a quorum of members.

Trustee Code of Conduct

Trustees of Cambusbarron Community Development Trust are acting on behalf of the members of the Trust and are in a position of “trust” and responsibility. To uphold the integrity of this position, all Trustees are asked to fully understand and adhere to the Trustee Code of Conduct.

This can be downloaded using the link below.

CCDT Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
This was the governing document for the Cambusbarron Community Development Trust as signed on 28th June 2010. Signed copies of this document are held for reference but are not made publicaly available for security reasons