Volunteers are urgently needed to help our endangered population of red squirrels. They have declined in numbers in recent years because grey squirrels, a non-native species, have moved into the […]
Aspen planting : Interesting to read this news article about the “endangered” aspen where it is described it as “a vital habitat for rare wildlife, plants and fungi and is […]
Dark Wids Plans
Our woodland management plan includes a commitment (Section 6.1) to fell and replant the Dark Wids, an area of woodland that consists mainly of commercially planted sitka spruce. This is […]
Volunteer Day
Storytelling Workshop
Signs of Spring
One of the trees planted by our volunteers over the last few weeks is already starting to grow. Richard spotted these spring shoots peeping over the top of a tree […]
Incoming Storm Kathleen
The Dark Wids remain CLOSED to the public for safety reasons. CCDT took the decision to close the Dark Wids several weeks ago because they present a significant risk to […]
Cambusbarron Village Nursery have received an updated PEA of the site for their outdoor nursery in Gillies Hill Community Woodland. See their website for more information and to read the […]
The 2023/2024 winter tree planting season is complete! Over the past few weeks our volunteers have worked hard to plant over 1,800 trees within Gillies Hill Community Woodland, in the […]