Become a Trustee

CCDT is keen to recruit Trustees with a mix of skills and experience to ensure the Trust is run efficiently and appropriately.  

Trustees are usually appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting (our next one is planned for 22nd August 2023) however with Board approval can also join throughout the year.

The minimum time commitment required as a Trustee would be five hours per month which would include one two-hour meeting a month. There are always different projects within the subgroups which if your available time allows you could focus to contribute your skills to assist in the ongoing work of CCDT.

If you are interested in becoming a Trustee in the first instance please speak with an existing Trustee or alternatively you can message us and arrange to meet to discuss how your skillset would be best used as a Trustee or within our current projects –

Our full Trustee pack of information and application form can be downloaded or viewed below. At request we can email these across to be completed electronically. Printed copies are available within Cambusbarron Library.

Our next AGM is on the 22nd August 2023 and all nominations for Trustees must be submitted by 8th August 2023. Details of how to submit are on the application form.  This deadline is so that we can communicate to our members in advance with information of Trustee nominations and so that profiles can be issued in advance. All current Trustees step down at an AGM but can stand for re-election if they wish.

To print or download any of the files below, open the menu using ‘>>’

Trustee Pack

Trustee Advert

Trustee Specification

Trustee Application Form