These are older news stories about Cambusbarron Community Development Trust. They are copied from our old website.
Gillies Hill paths – have your say!
The woods and paths of Gillies Hill are much loved by the community – never appreciated more so than recently. Since late last year the woods have been under the ownership of Cambusbarron Community Development Trust on behalf of the community. We want to know your views about what you think should happen to the paths in the woods – should we leave them as they are, or would you like to see some improvements? Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey:
Please share the link with anyone you know who enjoys the woods and wants a say in their future.
May 2020
Public Access Defibrillator

The defibrillator has now been installed at Cambusbarron Community Centre. It is in a yellow cabinet on the ouside wall, next to the door.
All defibrillators in the area, including the one in Cambusbarron, are on the list from Trossachs Search and Rescue at
Jan 2020

Cambusbarron Community Development Trust is proud to announce that on Tuesday the 20th August 2019 we finally completed the purchase of 64 hectares of Gillies Hill, on behalf of the local community. This will allow the community to have an active role in protecting, managing and developing the Hill.
Please join us for a celebration afternoon tea on Saturday 31st August 2-4pm at the Cambusbarron Community Centre. All are welcome to attend to find out more about this exciting new development for the community and share any ideas they may have. Any donations of baking will be gratefully received.
We are very grateful to everyone who has given their money, time and support. Funding from the Scottish Land Fund, Cambusbarron Community Fund, together with a substantial donation from FES Ltd and our Crowdfunding campaign, has made this possible.
Following a negotiation period which started in 2013, our 64 hectares on the north-east side of the hill includes the ruins of Polmaise Castle, the curling ponds, the walled garden and the Dark Woods.
We now look forward to protecting and managing the woodland and we welcome people with relevant skills or an interest in being involved, from the community and beyond, to step forward to support the entirely volunteer led project.
Aug 2019

Thank you to all who helped out with the Litter Picknic at Polmaise Castle. The weather stayed dry for us all morning and we managed to collect a few bags full of litter.
July 2019
Your Stirling: You Decide
Check out proposals for Ward 5 and use your vote to vote for changes to the park or safer routes around the village. There is one for the King George’s Park which is for Cambusbarron although it doesn’t say it.
Now Closed
Results: No longer available
May 2019/July 2019

June 2019
It was great to see so many people at our stall at the Gala on Saturday 15th June.
The lucky winner of the treasure hunt was H. Walker from Cambusbarron, who has been presented with the Family Jelly bean game.
June 2019

Thanks to all of you who came to help on the litter pick on Saturday 26th January.

Jan 2019

Fond of Red Squirrels?
You can help save red squirrels by recording your squirrel sightings at
This is a website aimed at monitoring squirrel populations across Scotland.

We held an afternoon tea in Cambusbarron Community Centre from 1pm to 3pm on Saturday 13th October.
Thanks to all of you who came along to support us. We raised £400 on the day.
Oct 2018
Public Access Defibrillator (PAD)Defibrillator Project Meeting
CCDT are holding a public meeting at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 17th October in Cambusbarron Community Centre to discuss the project to install a public access defribrillator in the village.
All are welcome.
Please see Here for more details
Oct 2018
Crowdfunder launch
On Sunday the 9th September 2018 the Cambusbarron Community Development Trust will be holding a launch event for our crowdfunding campaign to raise the final £60,000 in order to complete the purchase of Gillies hill. We will be meeting at 12noon at the primary school from where we will taking a walk in the woods and returning to the community centre at about 1.30pm for a soup and bread lunch and the official launch of the campaign.
You are most welcome to join us and hope that you will support us by sharing the campaign far and wide to help us achieve our target. Don’t forget to use #buygillieshill if you are sharing on social media.

Sept 2018
Cambusbarron Charity awarded over £425,000!
Cambusbarron Community Development Trust (CCDT) has been awarded over £425,000 by the Scottish Land Fund to buy and manage around 160 acres of woodland on Gillies Hill, Cambusbarron. This substantial grant award will support their Gillies Hill project over the period up to March 2020.
June 2018
CCDT Public access defibrillator project
The trust is looking for members of the community to help with our public access defibrillator project. We have some funding available to start the project and need to form a group to make decisions on where it could go and how we engage with the community so that people know it is there and how it should be used.
Please get in touch with us if you have an opinion on this or would like to know more about the project.
May 2018
AGM Wednesday 20th June 2018
The date for the AGM of the Development trust has been set for Wednesday the 20th June 2018. This will be at 7:30pm at the Cambusbarron Community Centre. Please put the date in your diary to come along and hear about our progress towards buying Gillies Hill.
April 2018
Members Meeting Thursday 8th March 2018
The Cambusbarron Community Development Trust will be holding a meeting on Thursday the 8th March at 7:30pm in Cambusbarron Community Centre. This meeting will be to discuss the developments which have been going on towards purchasing a portion of the woodland on Gillies Hill. We are reaching a point where we will need help from members in order to achieve this goal. The agenda of the meeting will be as follows:
- Welcome;
- An overview of the Gillies Hill woodland project to date;
- Discussion of future options and development.
Please come along to hear where we are with the project and we would love to get a few more people involved in helping us achieve our goal of safeguarding the woodland.
March 2018
Gillies Hill Litter Pick and Grounds Maintenance
Please come and help at our litter pick and general maintenance session on the Gillies Hill on Saturday the 10th February. We will meet in the outdoor classroom, which is the woodland next to the primary school, from 10am until around 1pm.
Come prepared for the weather and mud! We will supply hot drinks, tools and rubbish bags where needed.
Membership forms for the Trust will be avaiable on the day or you can apply on the web site. Volunteers will be available to give members an update on our progress towards our ownership of the hill.
All are welcome but children should be accompanied by an adult please.
February 2018
Managing the trees to rear of houses on Gillies Hill
The Cambusbarron Community Development Trust (CCDT) are currently leasing the woods to the rear of the even numbered houses on Gillies Hill. We are aware that some of these trees are very large and may cause damage if they are blown or fall over. For this reason the CCDT intend to start to manage the woodland to the rear of the houses and consider the removal of an number trees.
To find out more, download the document here:
July 2017
Notice of AGM
CCDT will be holding our AGM and launch of our business plan on Monday 19th June 2017 at 19:00 in Cambusbarron Community Centre.

June 2017
Application for alternative charitable status
The CCDT can now announce that our application to convert to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) took place on the 19th May 2017. Our charity registration number remains the same (SCO41449) but we are no longer registered as a Limited Company so no longer have a separate company number, and records of our organisation are no longer required to be filed with Companies House.
Our new constitution which was agreed at our EGM on the 9th March is now available on the website in the documents section.
May 2017
Application for alternative charitable status
Our application to the Scottish Charities Regularor (OSCR) has now been sent away and we are awaiting the outcome. If we are successful then we will become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and we will post our new constitution onto the web site.
Volunteers needed for Litter pick
Cambusbarron Community Development Trust will be holding a litter pick in the Outdoor Classroom area of the woods on Saturday 8th April. Litter pickers and bags will be provided. Please meet at the Primary School at 10am. All children should be accompanied by an adult. Refreshments will be provided

EGM to be held at 7:30pm 9th March 2017 in the Community Centre
The CCDT is considering a change the way we are constituted. We are calling an EGM in order to consider changing from a Limited Company and Scottish Charity, to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)
This meeting is being held on the 9th March in the community centre at 7:30pm. All members are welcome.
Outdoor classroom begins to take shape
Following our success with the Tesco Greenspace grant application, work has begun on the outdoor classroom in the woodland adjacent to the school. The trees are being thinned out, a circular path will then be created with bridges over the burn. Many more features are being planned and watch this space for photos and updates.

We are currently lease a large portion of Gillies Hill and are working towards applying for money to enable us to purchase this land. This is a map of the hill with the land we are leasing outlined in red:

Contact us today!
If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:
Or use our