It was lovely to see so many people at our mid month volunteer session in the Walled Garden today. The garden is literally springing into life and there were many jobs on the go including digging over and planting potatoes in a new bed, fixing the door to the poly tunnel, clearing the ever present glass and rubbish, planting strawberry plants and planting a new willow dome. It’s great to see changes and improvements as a result of everyone’s hard work. Despite the long list of jobs on the go there was time for a chat while enjoying a well earned cuppa.

Our next scheduled volunteer session is Saturday April 29th. Come along and join us, discover some new friends and/or meet up with some old ones. Share your gardening talents with us or come and learn some new ones!
Look out for our information posters at the entrances to the woods, on our website and on social media. We’ll be pleased to see you 😊