
Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our members – whether you are local to us in Cambusbarron, Stirling or a friend from further afield!

This year more than ever we are all being encouraged to reflect on the past year’s limitations with positivity.  How will we take lessons learned from 2020 with us as we focus our thoughts on this year ahead of us?

Like many of you, as a Trust we’ve become more experienced with Zoom and the community work has continued throughout. Our voluntary work for community benefit includes: the Cambusbarron Archive project of digitally storing historic photographs; creating a Welcome Pack for any new residents to the area; public access defibrillator project and our expansive activity of work in developing Gillies Hill Community Woodland. 

We appreciate that during 2020 many looked to our woodland for escapism and mental health, for socially distanced catch-ups and exhilarating exercise sessions.  Being active in the community woodland was a coping mechanism for many during the restrictions and we’re fortunate to own such an asset in Cambusbarron.  As a community we need to work together for the benefit of all to protect and nurture this.  This year saw CCDT create our first employed role as Amos joined us as our Community Forest Manager and a big ‘thank you!’ to everyone who has volunteered their time whether in relation to the woods or the wider work of the development trust. You all know who you are and know you do not do it for the recognition but however you’ve been able to contribute to your community – know this, it is greatly appreciated!

A new fresher website platform has recently been launched and we will continue to evolve this by posting regular updates.  If there is anything you would like to see or could contribute, we’d like to hear from you.  Minutes from all Trust meetings will be posted on the website in 2021 and we welcome any opportunity to discuss these. 

There are various ways to volunteer as part of the work of the development trust, not just on the Board, if you have some hours to spare and wish to give back to the community, we’d encourage you to get in touch.  There are indoor as well as outdoor tasks which could be worked on at your pace and no special skills needed.

Photography Competition – a snippet of news for our members to receive first.  We have some excellent amateur photographers in our village, and we wish to encourage the younger ones to share their fun images with us too so we will be regularly holding photo competitions throughout this year.  Our photo competition details will be posted on the website shortly and a link to this will also be emailed to members.

This coming year we will strive to communicate and engage with our community regardless of what challenges and restrictions may come our way.  We need to find new ways and we’d like you to know that the door is always open – to email in or arrange to chat (virtual or socially distanced), express your views, opinions or queries!  Our community voice shapes our plans and actions so we need to hear your voice…look out for some more consultation surveys coming soon too.

Can we ask a small favour?  Just one quick and easy thing – mention this website to your friends, family, neighbours etc – are they aware of it?  If not then why don’t you encourage them to sign up to the membership of CCDT through the following link – Become a Member of CCDT   Individuals of any age or location are welcome to register for membership.  It’s free and you’ll always be kept up to date!

Until we message again, take care and stay safe in 2021!  If you wish to get in touch – Contact us

Best wishes from Cambusbarron Community Development Trust