Today is a date to be noted in Gillies Hill Community Woodland history as it’s the first significant area of replanting that has been carried out in over 50 years in our woodland.

Approx 280 trees (including shelters) planted today, including a 10m long 2m wide woodland hedgerow including oak, holly, dogrose, hazel and hawthorn.

We had about 20 volunteers from the community joining in the tree planting throughout the day so great effort and thank you. For some of those volunteers it was the first time they had come along to help or even first time they had come into the woodland so we’ll look forward to seeing them at more volunteering events in the future now they know where to find us!

It was a family friendly event including several children from age 3 upwards and one family was even heading off on a litter picking adventure in the afternoon after a few hours of tree planting. A day of kindness for others in their community to benefit from – well done all involved!

The majority of planting today was from cell grown trees donated by The Woodland Trust as part of their ‘Free Trees for Schools and Communities’ Fund. The Year-Round Colour Pack was chosen to align with the replanting options submitted in the Felling Application so we’ll look forward to seeing the beautiful blossoms and bright berries as these trees grow. We’d also like to express our gratitude to a kind resident on Gillies Hill who donated and helped to plant trees too.

When planning our replanting of the area it was noted that there is a number of holly trees that have regenerated in the area and we’re keen to ensure that these continue to flourish and grow in this area too.

There is further tree planting planned for the residential boundary area however extraction of logs to our workbase and doing drainage clearance work will be first. Once our next replanting volunteer day is planned we’ll let you know and hope you can join us!

If you have any questions regarding today’s replanting or other projects within the woodland please email to