News Squirrels

Save Our Squirrels

Volunteers are urgently needed to help our endangered population of red squirrels. They have declined in numbers in recent years because grey squirrels, a non-native species, have moved into the area. Grey squirrels are larger than red squirrels and breed more rapidly, they out-compete reds for food and living space. Grey squirrels can also carry squirrel pox which is deadly to red squirrels.
We need to get as much information as possible about our squirrel populations. We would like people to record any red or grey squirrel sightings in the Cambusbarron area.  This can be done by contacting:
We wish to get a group of volunteers together who can help plan and execute a long term strategy.  If you can help in any way, want to show your support or would like more information then please email: