Keen to share this map as not everyone within the community is aware of the different land ownerships on our much beloved Gillies Hill.

A Statutory Plant Health Notice (SPHN) relating to larch was issued to us by Scottish Forestry in November 2021 as well as to our neighbouring landowners in early 2022. The felling for this within our community woodland was completed earlier this year however it is ongoing in other areas of Gillies Hill.
Stirling Council (area across from the school) and Paterons’s Quarries have most recently completed theirs (at the top of the hill) and we’ve recently had notification from Tillicoultry Quarries’s agent that their contractors will be starting onsite soon.
We’ll share with the community more information on our website and here as soon as we have clarification.
To further understand why Scottish Forestry is issuing SPHN on larch please have a read of this link:…/tree…/phytophthora-ramorum