Community Woodland Larch Removal News

SPHN- Larch Removal, week from 17 Jan 2022

The planning for the removal of the larch is well underway. This update aims to inform you about the planned work for next week, week commencing 17th Jan 2022, and what it means for users of the woodland. It also outlines the works planned for the following weeks.
Background information about the Scottish Plant Health Notice, SPHN the reason for the removal of the larch in the affected area, and the outline plans moving forward can be found in the previous update: here


Information on Planned Works during w/c Monday 17th January 2022

Work will start in earnest next Monday, 17th January. The work on this first week will be carried out by two foresters from RTS with chainsaws. The aim is to fell those larch trees that are not easily accessible by a mechanical harvester.
They will be working across the SPHN area (hatched red below). However they will manage the felling such that paths will for the most part remain open. They will close off any paths immediately adjacent to a felling, but just for the duration of the felling.
I would ask that anyone using the woods keeps well clear of any felling operations. In other words steer clear of the sound of chainsaws. Please follow the instructions of foresters engaged in the felling operation.
Information boards are to be posted at each of the main entrances. Please follow safety instructions on these boards.

Information on Planned Works from Monday 24th January 2022 onwards

A tree harvester will be brought onto site on Monday 24th January 2022 to take over the task of felling the larches in the SPHN area.

A tree harvester is a machine that grips the tree, saws it, strips it of any branches, further saws it into lengths and stacks it local to the felling site.

This work will be carried out in five phases over a five to six week period.

During each phase, an area of the woodland will be closed off, the trees felled and stacked locally and the area opened up again at the end of the week. This operation will be undertaken in 5 separate areas.

The areas to be closed off will be communicated through a post on this website, emails to members and the Facebook group on the Thursday prior to the phased area being closed off.

In addition, the information will be posted on the information boards at the entrances to the woods.

Towards the end of January a forwarder will be brought on site to move the timber from the felled area to a stacking area near the walled garden. More information on any restrictions to access due to this operation will be posted nearer the time.

Please note that weather and breakdowns may affect the planned dates. We will however endeavour to keep you informed with regular updates.

This will be a challenging time for CCDT and the users of the woodland. It is appreciated that this will cause disruption and inconvenience in terms of noise and limiting access. It is necessary to press ahead with this work to ensure we meet the legal deadline within the SPHN of the end of February. However we have worked with the contractor to try and keep the disruption to a minimum.

To emphasise, we would ask that users please follow all guidance to ensure your safety.


If you have any queries about the work being carried out, please email

Blog written by Jim O’Connor