It has been brought to our attention that an individual on our Board of Trustees has been casting suspicion and spreading false information, to the detriment of the community and our volunteers about actions and decision making within CCDT, on the ‘Lost Gardens of Polmaise Castle’ Facebook Group. This is contrary to the Trustee Code of Conduct signed by this individual (and by all Trustees) and is not in line with the role and responsibilities of Trustees outlined in our Constitution.
It is disappointing that this individual feels that this is an appropriate course of action to cause confusion within our community and undermining the decisions and ongoing voluntary work of our many hard working volunteers giving up their personal time in managing Gillies Hill Community Woodland.
CCDT are being provided with professional guidance from Development Trust Association Scotland with regards to this conflict and how we come to a resolution as a Board of Trustees. From a woodland management perspective we are also a member organisation of the Community Woodlands Association.
If you would like to contact us on this matter or for any concerns that anyone has please do email to for us to address or if you’d like to organise to talk to a Trustee that can be arranged.
Following advice from DTAS we will not be engaging through Facebook until this matter can be discussed together as a Board of Trustees.