
Community News

Updates from across our community!

We aim to keep our community updated about what’s going on throughout Cambusbarron, not just CCDT led projects, and if anyone wishes to be part of a group focusing on bringing together community communications – email updates, website content, newsletter deliveries – we’d love to hear from you!

Please get in touch with a message to us here –

Community Hub

On Friday 1st Sept the Church Hall’s Hub volunteer team regrouped after the summer holidays to review the progress made since the Warm Space/Hub idea was first discussed a year ago. 

Amazing to think that just under 2,000 visits to the hub were recorded from October 2022 to June 2023.  The hub became a place not only for warmth and a great bowl of soup but friendship and community support which they hope to continue.  Plans for restarting the Community Hub are underway and the first date back will be Wednesday 13th September 12noon – 3pm.  Everyone in the community will receive a friendly welcome if you pop along!

Any volunteers available to go on the rota would be most welcome – please contact Angela

Cambusbarron Village Nursery AGM

CVN’s Annual General Meeting is coming up on Tuesday September 5th at 6pm in the Community Centre.  All are very welcome to attend.

Please come along to find out more about their service and plans to develop it to continue to meet the needs of the children and their families.  

Community Larder Food Share

Open to all and accessed just inside Cambusbarron Community Centre – this project is a CVN initiative led by Lynda.

Food is available for collection in the Community Centre during opening hours, just pop in and help yourself. No two days are the same!

The main aim is to reduce the amount of food waste going to landfill and it has been inspiring to see the difference the project is making. The Co-op have lots of tips to help reduce food waste on their website and another great place for inspiration is LoveFoodHateWaste. –

Initially set up to reduce food waste from our village Co-op store, this has now developed to also be supplied by produce harvested from the Walled Garden in Gillies Hill Community Woodland.  

Facebook Page can be found here:

Cambusbarron Community Centre’s energy cost review – could you help?

We still need helpers to look into the cost saving measures in the Business Energy Report. If you can spare some time to help look into these then please contact Richard  Cost saving measures could help stop prices for all community centre users going up in winter.

Business Energy Report – recommendations include LED lighting at a cost of £18,000 (may be Scottish Government grants available), lighting controls, wall insulation, solar panels and upgrade to gas boiler.

Cambusbarron Community Events Group – AGM Thursday 7th Sept at 7pm in the community centre.  This small committee is looking for new members. Please consider coming along to help shape the upcoming year’s events. Whether you can help out a little or a lot we’d love to have you join us!  Events over the past year included our annual village gala, prize bingo evenings, Santa and reindeer visit and other children/family events.  For more info feel free to contact the CCEG on