Following our SPHN felling we are now in the position to confirm the financial return as a result of the contract with RTS.
It is worth noting that timber was sold as a standing sale by category which was the only feasible and financial way CCDT was able to perform the felling required by the SPHN in the timeframe required. Through this route RTS were responsible for all costs relating to felling, forwarding and haulage and there were no upfront costs for CCDT. The only costs incurred by the Trust during the operation was to maintain the access road to ensure safe and continued use by timber haulage lorries, as well as some
money made available to buy squirrel feeders and food to try and reduce the impact on our furry red friends.
The income received so far from the felling is £20,395 and following confirmation of last haulage reports we expect to receive final payments within the coming weeks which will give a total income of circa £55,000.
This income will be invested back into the woodland first of all on remedial works required as a result of the felling operation such as planting trees, drainage management, path restoration and access improvements. Our priority currently is to engage with the relevant field experts, carry out feasibility studies and understand cost implications before identifying a plan of action including timescales and priority projects. We will then ring-fence the finances required for remedial work so they are not committed towards other development projects. Our Woodland Management Plan is currently under review with Scottish Forestry and, as our working groups (under the governance of the CCDT Board) develop projects there will be continued community consultation. We appreciate any of our members who wish to get actively involved in the future of our community woodland. Please get in touch with a Trustee or email to discuss further.
Do you have any specialist skills/knowledge?
We’d love to set up some learning opportunities for our community across the summer and autumn months in Gillies Hill Community Woodland. Please get in touch by emailing if you think you could do this.
Motorised Vehicles/Trail Bikes/Motocross/Quad Bikes
Unfortunately, we’ve seen an increasing amount of anti-social behaviour from people driving motorised vehicles through the woodland in recent months, which has resulted in complaints from the community regarding the noise, disturbance and intimidation. Please be aware that motorised vehicles/trail bikes/motocross/quad bikes are NOT permitted in the woodland as they degrade important wildlife habitats and our priority is to protect them particularly after a time of such upheaval as well as the safety of other woodland users.
If you have any information about this illegal off-road biking, we are encouraging you to report it via 101 and by emailing our community police support on
CCDT has not given permission for any form of unauthorised motorised vehicle to be used within the woodland. Therefore, it is illegal to ride motorbikes in these areas, as they do not have permission from the landowner. If they have any insurance, it would be invalid without permission.
Next Volunteer Dates
Our mid-month volunteer focus will be at the walled garden on Saturday 16th June and, as usual, the last Saturday 30th July will be a variety of woodland and garden tasks.
Save the Date – for our AGM
Tuesday 23rd August at 7pm in the Cambusbarron Community Centre. Board reports and agenda will be issued to CCDT members via email prior to the AGM and will also be made available to read within Cambusbarron library.