
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal – Update from Cambusbarron Village Nursery

Cambusbarron Village Nursery (CVN) received their report of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) earlier this month. This was carried out by Echos Ecology at the proposed site where the nursery are investigating steps to have a permanent base within the woodland. At the moment CVN children enjoy 2 – 3 days each week within our community woodland but are currently based at Cambusbarron Community Centre.

The PEA’s executive summary records “There was no field evidence of protected species found during the survey. There is suitable habitat for nesting birds and commuting and foraging for bats. If proposed works are to be undertaken during the breeding bird season (March to September inclusive), then any areas of the Site that need to be cleared of vegetation must be shown to be free of nesting birds prior to works commencing. There are no other recommended surveys.”

Echoes Ecology report lists several species from the Scottish Biodiversity List which may be present in the woodland – these include bats, toads, hedgehogs, red squirrels and native bluebells. 

This link takes you to CVN’s website with the details of the appraisal which can be downloaded and read in full.

The plans to develop a permanent base within the woodland are at a very early stage and there will be further discussions and community consultation opportunities from both CCDT and CVN before plans proceed. If you have any questions regarding this please do contact us or CVN directly.