The following is an update on the larch removal. It covers work undertaken so far and the work planned for next week – week commencing Monday 24th January.
For background information about the Scottish Plant Health Notice, SPHN and outline plans, please visit previous updates.
Update on SPHN – Larch Removal 4th Jan 2022
SPHN- Larch Removal, week from 17 Jan 2022
Map of the Areas of Operation
This map will be used to designate the areas that RTS, has and will be, working on.
Progress during current week – w/c Mon 17.01.22
Foresters have been clearing trees within Area 2 using chainsaws. Mainly on the eastern side of the area. They are using chainsaws for those trees that are too large for the harvester to manage. This work will continue into tomorrow – Friday 21st Jan. There will be no felling work over this weekend.
Signs have been posted at the main entrances to the woods warning of forestry work. Barriers and additional no entry signs have been posted in the vicinity of where they are actively felling trees.
The main path up from Gilles Hill is effectively cut off, however there appears to be sufficient alternative routes around the felling area.
Planned Works during w/c Monday 24th January 2022
The harvester was to come on site on Monday 24th January. It will not now be brought onto site until Wednesday or Thursday of next week due to delays on the site it is currently deployed at.
The foresters will continue to fell large trees by chainsaw in Area 2 and move into Area 3 when Area 2 is complete.
The harvester, when moved onto site, will clear the trees felled by chainsaw and will then move into Area 4 if time permits. Again they will only close off the area around the felling.
When the harvester commences felling trees, the entire Area, initially Area 4 will be closed off with barriers and signs. Please follow instructions and advice for your safety.
Planned Works from Monday 31st January 2022 onwards
It is anticipated that the order of felling by the harvester will be Area 4, followed by Areas 3, 2, 1 and finally 5. However I will provide an update again on Thursday 27th January to confirm the planned felling programme.
To emphasise, we would ask that users of the woodland to please follow all guidance to ensure your safety.
If you have any queries, comments or concerns or about the work being carried out, please email
Blog written by Jim O’Connor