This is an updated version of our current constitution which was adopted 6 years ago in 2017. Following our closer support relationship with Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS) earlier this year it has been their recommendation that we adopt this latest model SCIO constitution which would ensure we are compliant with the relevant legislation and current funding eligibility criteria.
By correctly defining membership levels (Full versus associate) and voting rights this ensures the future local control for the development of Cambusbarron community. This is an important factor to have within our constitution when seeking large scale funding from national bodies.
To be clear any member resident within our full membership area (the Cambusbarron Community Council area and the parts of postcode sectors FK7 9, FK8 2, FK7 0 that lie within a 2km radius of the Main Street of Cambusbarron) will continue to have voting rights. Outwith this area anyone can be an associate member showing support of the Trust but will not have any voting rights at a members meeting.
As this AGM will run under the current constitution if a Trustee is elected who is an associate member they will need to resign when the new Constitution is given consent by OSCR. They can however be co-opted onto the Board of Trustees at the next Board meeting.
It will also allow proxy voting in future for any members that cannot attend a members meeting in person. Currently only voting in person in permitted.
If approved by members at the AGM this updated Constitution will be adopted and brought into action once consent has been given from OSCR (up to 42 days process).
The proposed Constitution can be viewed here:
If you have any questions on this ahead of the AGM on 22nd August 2023 please do get in touch