A busy day up in the woods on Saturday 5th August, thanks for all those who came along to volunteer, some lovely veg produce from the walled garden and 15 builders bags of firewood processed!

If you are interested in volunteering at future firewood processing events please email us through logs@ccdt.org.uk
Thanks again to Richard Blore for bringing machinery onsite to make this possible.

On Saturday 12th August we started our chainsaw carving project. Our two chainsaw carvers completed 5 stumps, here’s some of their work!

If you take a walk up the main path uphill from the sheds entrance on Gillies Hill you’ll be able to spot them all. There’s another few to be carved at a future date including a storytelling area. To read more about how the ideas were chosen by local primary school pupils please have a read of this earlier news post https://ccdt.org.uk/chainsaw-carving-project/

Some of our Woodland Management Group also welcomed Andrew McQueen for a site walk to take advice on our different compartments of the woodland affected by the SPHN larch felling. Further understanding our approach to density of planting, deer protection options, priority areas and preparing the ground for planting.

Focus within the walled garden was digging up more fresh produce including potatoes, runner beans and courgettes which are donated to the Cambusbarron Community Larder. New growing beds are being laid out and conversations over what will be grown over the autumn/winter period.
More information about our next steps for replanting the SPHN, walled gatden community growing progress as well as other project updates will be on display and open for discussion at our AGM on 22nd August. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend – more info on the AGM agenda can be found here https://ccdt.org.uk/event/annual-general-meeting/