Over the past couple of weeks, our contractor, D A Shanks, has been on site preparing the ground for our upcoming re-planting project. This has involved extensive ground works to clear and stack areas of brash, fallen trees and other material, and create mounded planting positions across the area. This work has now been completed. (See previous posts (eg Oct 29th 2023, Nov 5th 2023, Jan 14th 2024, Feb 2nd 2024) for more detailed information and background).
In addition you may have noticed that a new drainage trench has been dug near the sheds entrance at Gillies Hill to divert water running off the hill away from the residential area, and into an existing culvert/drain. This trench (plus a number of new attenuation ponds a little further up the hill) will naturally blend in to its surroundings over the summer, improving drainage and providing new habitats for wildlife and flora/fauna.
Unfortunately formal volunteer days are still on hold. We hope to give an update on this soon . In the meantime, as some of our new trees have already been delivered and need to be planted within two weeks to keep them alive, a small number of people from the woodland management group will begin planting this weekend.
If you have any questions on the SPHN or drainage improvement works, please contact woodland@CCDT.org.uk